แผลเป็น » ฉีดยาลดนูน (Keloid)
Hypertrophic scars and keloidal scars
Hypertrophic scars and keloidal scars are typically raised, red or pink resulting from an abnormal fibrous wound healing process in which tissue repair and regulating mechanism control is lost. Hypertrophic scars do not exceed the margins of the original wound, whereas keloids often invade into surrounding tissue and rarely discontinue. Genetic predisposition, some forms of skin trauma, wound tension, skin type and location of the wound play the important roles for the scar development. Both types of scars can cause itchy and pain followed by growing in size or reappearing after scratching or re-traumatizing the wound on the same area.
• To decrease abnormal collagen synthesis, intralesional corticosteroid injection is a mainstay in the treatment of hypertrophic scar and keloids. Steroid cream can soften and flatten keloids but cannot narrow or eliminate the scars.
• Pressure or silicone Silicone therapy or occlusive therapy is recommended particularly after the wound closure has finished.
• Laser Therapy commonly used to reduce the scar formation.
• Medication • Others-radiation, re-surgery
To select the proper treatment, please make an appointment to consult with our doctor-call center +66 618240996 Line ID : laserpremium